Archive for Personal Growth

Everything Happens For a Reason?

Bad things do happen. How I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from…


Is Lowering the Cortisol Level Enough to Permanently Change Our Lives?

There are a number of things that can lower the coritsol (stress hormone) level: Power posing Meditating Laughing Exercising regularly Eating a balanced, nutritious meal eliminating process food Eliminating caffeine from our diet but drinking black tea Listening to music…


Exercise to Change an Image

EXERCISE TO CHANGE AN IMAGE If we create a reality that is greater than the image we have of ourselves, one of two things will happen. Either we have to stretch into the new reality. Or the reality will snap…


Beliefs Influence Our Self-Image… Beliefs Rule!

All of our thoughts and feeling, choices and decisions, actions, reactions, and experiences are based on our beliefs. Beliefs precede our thoughts and feelings, choices and decisions, actions, reactions, and experiences. An example of how our beliefs determine our self-image:…


Why Do Dreams and Goals Not Become a Reality

You’ve done everything you were supposed to do for your dreams and goals to become a reality. You were clear on what they were. You made your vision boards with lots of pictures of what you desired. You visualize them…


Turn an Issue Around

Flip is around.Look at the issue from another perspective. Usually, the obvious, may not be the answer to healing an issue. Look at an issue from multiple angles, multiple perceptions. For example: Resistance to change… Is the resistance to changing…


7 Reasons We Don’t Keep Our New Year’s Resolutions

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. To succeed, always try just one more time.Thomas Edison Seven reasons why we might not fulfill our resolutions: We don’t have the belief system to support the changes we may want to make.…


Pay-offs for NOT Creating Our Desired Reality – Pay-off #7 Clinging to the Past

Why would we not want to create a successful reality? Why would we not want success, happiness, peace, fulfillment, and love? Instead of success and happiness, we are seduced by pain and suffering. In our society, we have a belief,…


Pay-offs for NOT Creating Our Desired Reality – Pay-off #6 Self-importance

Why would we not want to create a successful reality? Why would we not want success, happiness, peace, fulfillment, and love? Instead of success and happiness, we are seduced by pain and suffering. In our society, we have a belief,…


Pay-offs for NOT Creating Your Desired Reality – Pay-off #5 Self-righteous

Why would we not want to create a successful reality? Why would we not want success, happiness, peace, fulfillment, and love? Instead of success and happiness, we are seduced by pain and suffering. In our society, we have a belief,…

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