Archive for Personal Growth
Muscle testing yourself could be one of the most significant tools and skills you can learn for yourself. There are a number of different ways you can muscle test yourself. This is my favorite: I broke my elbow and needed…
READ MORE >A diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit. Unknown Our food cravings are trying to tell us something and it’s not about the foods. Food Cravings are symptoms. They are not the issue. Food cravings are…
READ MORE >Being overweight helps many fearful people feel as if they are invisible. They seek ways to sabotage themselves in order to return to the safety that their excess weight provides. Bob Greene Our food cravings are trying to tell us…
READ MORE >Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever. Unknown Our food cravings are trying to tell us something and it’s not about the foods. Food Cravings are symptoms. They are not the issue. Food cravings are…
READ MORE >Dedication, commitment, and effort are needed to accomplish anything worthwhile. We need to work hard if we want to achieve success, to accomplish anything worthwhile. Losing weight and taking care of ourselves is no exception.Bob Greene Our food cravings are…
READ MORE >Arms The arms are a way in which we express our beingness. The arms hug, touch, and caress others or they can be used as weapons, to attack. They can lift and carry or push and repel. Upper Arm: Is…
READ MORE >Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. Buddha Our food cravings are trying to tell us something and it’s not about the foods. Food Cravings are symptoms. They are not the issue. Food cravings are…
READ MORE >Did you know:* The right side of our body represents the male, masculine, outer world, and Dad.* The left side of the body represents the female, feminine, inner world, conceptualizing, and Mom.* The front of the body represents the future.*…
READ MORE >The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books – how not to eat what you’ve just learned how to cook. Andy Rooney Our food cravings are trying to tell us something and it’s not about the foods.…
READ MORE >There are a number of different theories in regards to the Basic Human Needs. For simplicity, this blog will cover Tony Robbins’ 6 Basic Needs. Need #1: Certainty, stability, safety, security, consistency, order, predictability Need #2: Variety, uncertainty, suspense, surprise,…
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