Archive for Personal Growth

I Take on Other People’s Pain

Let me begin with, I know this blog will be controversial for some and they will disagree with me. Okay, here goes. Do I feel and/or believe that we take on the pain of another? No. “What?” you say. “No?”…


Attachment to the Outcome is the Source of Our Pain

The source of pain is not wanting what we want. The source of our pain is an attachment to the outcome. The wanting is not the issue. The attachment to whether or not we have the outcome we desire is…


Wisdom and Uniqueness Quiz

Wisdom: 1. The ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight. 2. Accumulated knowledge. Unique: 1. Being the only one of its kind. 2. Without an equal or equivalent; unparalleled.…


Is a Negative EFT Tapping Statement Honoring the Inner Critic?

Question: Some of the mis-belief statements in your workbooks parrot my negative self-talk. They sound like my inner critic. I feel like I’m honoring my inner critic when I read or tap some of your EFT tapping statements. Isn’t this…


Possible Reasons We Hold Onto Pain…

Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it. J.K. Rowling FREE Kindle Download 400 EFT Tapping Statements for Dealing with Emotions 15 April 2021 Possible reasons someone might hold onto emotional pain: *…


Not Accepting Compliments…Is It About Deservability? With Tapping Statements

* “I am not able to receive a compliment.” * “I deflect any compliment that comes my way.” * “I don’t feel I deserve the compliment that I receive. * “If they only knew me!” When we are not able…


Healing is a Journey…Find the Path…The System That Works for You

The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help. Napoleon Hill Just recently I had…


EFT Tapping for Fear

Never be afraid to try something new. Amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic. Unknown FREE Kindle Download 240 EFT Tapping Statements for Fear 15 March 2021 12:01 AM – 11:59 PM PT (give or take 30 minutes) Fear…


Our Future Creates Our Present with EFT Tapping Statements

Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffett The topic of the class was “Success, Triumph, and Enchantment.” Jane was the volunteer being processed. Two years ago, Jane had ended a…


Attachment to the Outcome is the Source of Our Pain

The source of pain is not wanting what we want. The source of our pain is the attachment we have to the outcome. The wanting is not what needs to change. The attachment to whether or not we have the…

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