
FREE Download Today – 80 EFT Tapping Statements for Self-esteem

80 EFT Tapping Statements for Self-esteem Today Only 15 October 2021 12:01 AM – 11:59 PM PT (give or take 30 minutes) Can read a Kindle eBook on your computer, phone, tablet…  1. To download the FREE Kindle, visit the Amazon site…


Other People’s Opinion of You…

Other people’s opinion of you, does not have to become your reality. Les Brown Sign up for the newsletter to receive freebies and to be notified of FREE Kindle Downloads: Sign up here What is EFT Tapping: Click Here How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here…


EFT Tapping for Self-esteem (Part 2)

When we have high self-esteem, we accept responsibility for and have a feeling of control over every part of our lives. When we have low self-esteem, our life and what goes on in it often seem out of control. When…


Do You Have a High Level of Expectation for Yourself?

Do you  have a high level of expectation for yourself? If so, is this to keep you safe, make you feel “better than.” or to set yourself up to fail? Do high expectations give you a reason to self destruct?…


A Kite Flies Best When…

A kite flies best when the wind blows in one direction and the string pulls from another. Henry Ford Sign up for the newsletter to receive freebies and to be notified of FREE Kindle Downloads: Sign up here What is EFT Tapping: Click Here How…


EFT Tapping for Self-esteem (Part 1)

A bar of iron costs $5, made into horseshoes its worth is $12, made into needles its worth is $3500, made into balance springs for watches, its worth is $300,000. Your own value is determined by what you are able…


Does Your Lack of Success Confirm Your Inadequacy?

Does your lack of success confirm your inadequacy, make you a failure? Is this about self-worth, success, learning new skills, and/or working toward a goal? © Tessa Cason, 2021. Sign up for the newsletter to receive freebies and to be…


Growth is Optional…

Growth is optional. Not all will choose it. Growth means becoming more of who we already are, not what others want us to be. Growth means evolving and waking up. Brenda Schaeller Sign up for the newsletter to receive freebies…


Writing Your Own EFT Tapping Statements – Rule #3

Rule #3 – Address the Pay-offs for not creating the reality you desire. We have pay-offs for not creating a happy, successful, joyous reality. * Avoidance * Blame * Self-pity * Guarantee * Self Righteousness * Self-importance * Clinging to…


Are You a Prisoner of Your Insecurities?

When thinking about change, are you a prisoner of your insecurities? Are you trying to be someone you are not? Is it better to be an authentic you or a knock-off version of someone else? © Tessa Cason, 2021. Sign…

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