Using a “No” or “Not” in the EFT Tapping Statement is a Great Idea!

If we want to make changes in our lives, truly transform our lives, we have to eliminate the unhealthy, dysfunctional beliefs. Our beliefs are stored in the subconscious.
The subconscious mind does not hear the word “no.” When you say, “I am not going to eat that piece of cake,” the subconscious mind hears “Yummm! Cake! I am going to eat a piece of that cake!”
When you tell your children NOT to slam the door, what do they do? Usually, they slam the door. The subconscious does not hear the word “no.” When you tell your child not to slam the door, the subconscious hears “Slam the door!”
One role of the physical body is to protect us from harm. (If our hand gets too close to a flame, our body will automatically pull our hand back to safety.) The body is less likely to sabotage the statement and the process if the EFT tapping statement is one that agrees with the current belief. Thus, it appeases the physical body.
Example, if we don’t believe we had what it takes to be successful and we tap the statement, “I have what it takes to be successful,” the body could sabotage the tapping. We could tap and it won’t clear.
If instead the statement we make is “I don’t have what it takes to be successful,” the “not” appeases the physical body and the subconscious hears, “I have what it takes to be successful!”
A statement with the
word “no” or “not,”
although may seem to be
contradictory, works best!
© Tessa Cason, 2020.
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