
He Who Angers You…

He who angers you conquers you. Elizabeth Kenny © Tessa Cason, 2021. Sign up for the newsletter to receive freebies and to be notified of FREE Kindle Downloads: Sign up here What is EFT Tapping: Click Here How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here How to…


FREE Kindle Download Today – 200 EFT Tapping Statements for Knowing God

200 EFT Tapping Statements for Knowing God Today Only 15 December 2021 12:01 AM – 11:59 PM PT (give or take 30 minutes) Can read a Kindle eBook on your computer, phone, tablet…  1. To download the FREE Kindle, visit the Amazon site you…


Pay-offs for NOT Creating Your Desired Reality – Pay-off #5 Self-righteous

Why would we not want to create a successful reality? Why would we not want success, happiness, peace, fulfillment, and love? Instead of success and happiness, we are seduced by pain and suffering. In our society, we have a belief,…


Do You Think God Does Not Hear Your Prayers?

Do you think God does not hear your prayers? Is this because you didn’t get what you asked for or didn’t like what you got in response to your prayer? © Tessa Cason, 2021. Sign up for the newsletter to…


One Night I Dreamt I Was Walking Along The Beach With The Lord…

One night I dreamt I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene, I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times…


EFT Tapping for Knowing God

Maybe the atheist cannot find God for the same reason a thief cannot find a policeman. Author Unknown FREE Kindle Download 15 December 2021 12:01 AM – 11:59 PM PST (give or take 30 minutes) So many questions surround this…


You Won’t move Forward Until You Have a Guarantee…

You won’t move forward until you have a guarantee. Without trial and error, we don’t learn. Is the reason you won’t move forward without a guarantee is because you don’t know how to learn from mistakes? You might look stupid…


Winners Visualize…Losers Visualize…

Winners visualize rewards of success. Loser’s visualize the penalties of failure.   Sign up for the newsletter to receive freebies and to be notified of FREE Kindle Downloads: Sign up here What is EFT Tapping: Click Here How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here How to…


Pay-offs for NOT Creating Your Desired Reality – Pay-off #4

Why would we not want to create a successful reality? Why would we not want success, happiness, peace, fulfillment, and love? Instead of success and happiness, we are seduced by pain and suffering. In our society, we have a belief,…


Are You Stuck in a Rut of Self-pity and Hopelessness?

Are you stuck in a rut of self-pity and hopelessness? Is this because you aren’t willing to put in the effort to succeed? Or because you would rather be lazy?

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