
Writing Your Own EFT Tapping Statements…Rule #1

Sad Senior Woman

Rule One: Use the tappees own words.

I’m 72 years old. My husband of 50 years died 13 months ago. I am all alone.

I do have two children and four grandchildren, but I rarely see them. We live in the same town. They’re too busy to include me in their lives. I baby sit and that’s about it.

I’m too old to start dating. I wouldn’t know how. My husband and I were high school sweethearts and got married shortly after graduating from high school.

I’m lonely. All my friends have either died or are dying. And, it just doesn’t feel right to date so soon after my husband’s death.

I feel so lonely. I don’t know how to move beyond my grief. I don’t know if I can ever be happy again. I still cry every day because I miss my husband so much. It would have been so much easier to have gone first. My husband was my best friend as well as my lover.

How do you heal a broken heart? How do I move beyond my grief? How do I start over when I’m 72 years old? How do I stop the daily flow of tears?

EFT Tapping Statements:

1. I am all alone.
2. I rarely see my children and grandchildren.
3. They’re too busy to include me in their lives.
4. I’m too old to start dating.
5. I don’t know how to date.
6. I’m lonely.
7. All my friends have either died or are dying.
8. It doesn’t feel right to date so soon after my husband’s death.
9. I don’t know how to move beyond my grief.
10. I don’t know if I can ever be happy again.
11. I cry every day because I miss my husband so much.
12. I heart is broken.
13. I don’t know how to move beyond my grief.
14. I don’t know how to start over.

Some of the statements will desensitize the emotions. Some will change the story while other statements will change the beliefs.

To heal a broken heart, we have to deal with and heal the grief. She might also want to heal the unwelcomed transition she has found herself in. She’s lonely without her husband or other friendships. How comfortable is she making new friends? What is the issue of making new friends?

The death of a spouse is one of the most difficult heartaches to heal. By ourselves, sometimes it is so overwhelming, we get stick in the grief. When we are in overwhelm we don’t even know where to begin to heal.

We can start with the person’s own words and start with desensitizing painful emotions. Once the pain is less painful, then we can move on to other issues to be healed.

© Tessa Cason, 2021.

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What is EFT Tapping: Click Here

How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here

How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here

Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here