
Writing Your Own EFT Statements…Rule #2

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Rule #2 – Process Emotions Before Beliefs

If we have an emotional attached to a belief, it is difficult to “let it go.” If a belief would put us in harms way, emotionally we will protect ourselves.

Example for the belief that “People are cruel.”

* You have a tendency to avoid people.
* You are afraid of new situations and the unknown.
* Knowing you are damaged goods, you fear rejection, abandonment, and heartache.
* You are only safe when you are invisible.
* Your tendency is to be argumentative and to push people away.
* Everything feels hopeless.
* You are riddled with shame as a result of being so inadequate.
* You don’t have the courage to be accepting.
* You move through life apathetic and indifferent.
* You make a lot of assumptions about other people.
* You fear betrayal, hatred, and heartache.
* You know other people are trying to control and manipulate you.
* You fear conflict, criticism, and being judged.
* People are heartless, mean, and uncaring.
* You know you are a coward.
* To push people away, to protect yourself, you are defiant, rebellious, and antagonistic.
* People are constantly disappointing you.
* People will exploit and take advantage of you.
* You are a failure, doomed to fail.
* Everything terrifies you.
* People harass and intimidate you.
* Sorrow is your lot in life.
* You constantly feel inferior and less than others.
* People are basically rude, thoughtless, and insensitive.
* No one can be trusted.
* You end up feeling lonely and alone a lot which results in being moody and panicky.
* You feel misunderstood and bullied.
* The only way to be safe is to overanalyze every situation.
* You have a lot of regrets and remorse.
* Your fears undermine and destroy most relationships.
* You are lost in your self pity and shame.
* You take and make most things personal.
* You feel undesirable and unwanted.
* You know you are not lovable or worthy of love.
* You worry and are anxious about everything.
* You feel helpless and powerless.

These are emotions you can process.

* EFT Tapping statements have to be personal, about ourselves. Thus, the statements are in the first person, “Me” or “I.”

* Turn the feelings into a tapping statement of how you feel. We can only heal that which we recognize and acknowledge in ourselves.

* I avoid people.
* I am afraid of new situations and the unknown.
* I am damaged goods.
* I fear rejection, abandonment, and heartache.
* I am only safe when I am invisible.
* I am argumentative to push people away.
* I feel everything is hopeless.
* I am riddled with shame.
* I feel inadequate.
* I don’t have the courage to be accepting.
* I move through life apathetic and indifferent.
* I make a lot of assumptions about other people.
* I fear betrayal, hatred, and heartache.
* Other people want to control and manipulate me.
* I fear conflict, criticism, and being judged.
* Other people are heartless, mean, and uncaring.
* I am a coward.
* To protect myself, I push people away.
* I am defiant, rebellious, and antagonistic.
* People are constantly disappointing me.
* People exploit and take advantage of me.
* I am a failure, doomed to fail.
* Everything terrifies me.
* People harass and intimidate me.
* Sorrow is my lot in life.
* I constantly feel inferior and less than others.
* People are basically rude, thoughtless, and insensitive.
* No one can be trusted.
* I feel lonely and alone.
* I am moody and panicky.
* I feel misunderstood and bullied.
* The only way to be safe is to overanalyze every situation.
* I have a lot of regrets and remorse.
* My fears undermine and destroy most relationships.
* I am lost in self pity and shame.
* I take and make most things personal.
* I feel undesirable and unwanted.
* I know I am unlovable or worthless.
* I worry and am anxious about everything.
* I feel helpless and powerless.

All these feelings are the result of the belief that people are cruel.

© Tessa Cason, 2021.

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How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here

How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here

Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here