PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) for Military Service

FREE Kindle Download 15 February 2021
EFT Tapping Statements for PTSD, Survival, Disempowered, Anger, Fear
Emotional wounds are like a scratch in a vinyl record. Every time we try to move beyond the scratch, we are thrown back and are not allowed to move beyond the scratch. PTSD is a scratch in the vinyl record.
The potential exists for anyone that is in any life threatening situation in which they fear for their life, that believes their death is imminent, to experience PTSD. This could include:
- Being told we have cancer
- A car accident
- Military service
- A violent parent
- Victim of rape
- Being bullied
- Natural disaster
- Being bitten by a vicious dog
- A school shooting
- A terrorist attack
- Death of a parent or spouse
The role of the physical body is to keep us alive and safe. When it perceives anything as a threat, the body automatically goes into survival mode, fight-flight-freeze, to prepare us to either fight, run away, or play dead. Survival mode is automatic…without conscious thought.
In survival mode, the rational mind disengages. Fear, anger, depression, anxiety, and avoidance become our constant companions. We view the world through the veil of fear.
PTSD is when we are stuck, continuously, in Survival.
The body is not able to shut off the automatic responses.
Healing PTSD is a process in which we must desensitize, decrease, and heal the survival response. How do we desensitize and decrease the survival response? The best method I have found to do so is EFT Tapping.
EFT Tapping Statements for Military PTSD:
1. War shattered my plans.
2. I was trained to be a killer.
3. I have radial mood changes.
4. I feel defeated and demoralized.
5. I feel inadequate in living my life.
6. I am awkward at social gatherings.
7. I am always on the alert for danger.
8. My rage frightens those around me.
9. I feel angry, frustrated, and hateful.
10. I use alcohol to numb the memories.
© Tessa Cason, 2021.
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What is EFT Tapping: Click Here
How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here
How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here
Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here