Pay-offs for Holding onto Our Anger and EFT Tapping for Anger

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
Why would we hold onto our anger? Well, probably because there are pay-offs. We are getting something out of holding onto the anger. Seven pay-offs for holding onto our anger might be these:
* To hide the hurt.
* To avoid being our authentic self.
* To avoid responsibility.
* To punish others…parents, friends, spouse, boss, lover…
* To push others away.
* To feel sorry for ourselves, to play victim and martyr.
* To feel important and powerful.
Of these seven pay-offs, which would you say are your top two reasons/pay-offs for holding onto your anger? Giving up the anger would also mean giving up the pay-offs…which might be difficult.
Sometimes we need help to heal the pay-offs and the anger. EFT tapping is a technique that can help deal with and heal both the pay-offs and the anger. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and is a simple yet effective process that can create lasting changes in our lives. EFT is a great tool for emotional healing. Below are seven EFT tapping statements to tap out.
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EFT tapping statements for anger:
* I use anger to hide my hurt.
* I use anger to avoid being my authentic self.
* I use anger to avoid responsibility.
* I use anger to punish others…parents, friends, spouse, boss, lover…
* I use anger to push others away.
* I use anger to feel sorry for myself, to play victim and martyr.
* I use anger to feel important and powerful.
© Tessa Cason, 2020.
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What is EFT Tapping: Click Here
How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here
How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here
Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here