Our Failures Keep Us Safe Includes EFT Tapping Statements

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
Henry Ford
Seems like an odd statement to make. “Our failures keep us safe.”
Let’s say, in the past, as a result of some of our decisions and actions we lost money. And now, we are wanting to move forward into a new project that requires money. Yet, the pieces aren’t coming together.
The memories of our failures are attempting to keep us safe so we won’t venture into a new project, make decisions, and take actions that will result in more money lost!
Once we learn the lessons from our failures, the body and subconscious can let go of the failure. It is no longer a failure. It is now categorized as “Lessons Learned.”
Staying with the money example. Some friends were excited about a new venture they were putting together. They ask you for a loan. “Sure,” you say. Knowing your friends as you do, you knew they would never default on the loan. Yet, they did. Your return on your investment was an apology and “let’s stay friend.”
Lesson: Review, research, and discernment. Ask questions. Ask lots of questions. Research. Lots of research, then discern the best course of action for your objective.
EFT Tapping statements:
* My failures keep me safe.
* My financial failures of the past are keeping me safe now.
* I’m not willing to let go of my failures.
* I have not learn the lessons of my failures.
* I don’t trust my discernment skills.
© Tessa Cason, 2020.
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How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here
How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here
Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here