Healing is a Journey…Find the Path…The System That Works for You

The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.
Napoleon Hill
Just recently I had a client, Serena, that had been diagnosed two years earlier with cancer. The doctors had given her 6 months to live. In her search for healing, she was doing a number of different processed and techniques, visiting a number of different healers, light workers, and counselors.
In one of Serena’s sessions, she wanted to know if any of the various things she was doing was contributing to her longevity. With the criteria of longevity, we muscle tested the 60+ techniques, processes, healers, light workers, and healers. The only process that was contributing to her longevity was EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique.
She said, “That doesn’t surprise me. After doing everything and now doing EFT, I can feel the difference. In my sessions, I am looking at the dysfunctional beliefs that have contributed to the cancer. Cancer is only the symptom. The mis-beliefs the cause.”
My childhood was anything but idyllic. In my 20s, I was not a very happy young woman. I completed two programs (one when I was in my 20s and another when I was in my 30s) that looked at our pain at a very deep level. One of the programs was called “Fisher-Hoffman, Getting a Loving Divorce from Mom and Dad.”
Thinking about Serena’s shotgun effect in search of health, I realized that by doing two in-depth programs, the laser effect, was more effective for health and happiness.
For healing our lives, I have found that by having a “system” is most effective. When we have a specific, desired outcome, it is important to go step by step to reach the goal.
In hindsight, Serena realized the reason she had tried so many different techniques is that none of the techniques really looked at depth at her core issues. Intuitively, she knew that none of what she had done was the “one solution.” It wasn’t until she discovered EFT and changing the dysfunctional beliefs did she know what she was searching for.
Her last session she thanked me for the work we did together. She had wished she had found EFT two years earlier. She knew that looking in depth at her issues, pursuing one path, one technique, she would have been able to survive the cancer.
I know for me, the two different in-depth programs were most effective for my healing.
Shotgun vs laser. When we are clear on a goal and work toward the fulfillment of the goal, we are more likely to be successful.
When we wander, seldom do we make it to the target.
© Tessa Cason, 2021.
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How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here
How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here
Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here