
Healing from the Loss of a Loved One (Part 1 of 3)

Shadow Self

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340 EFT Tapping Statements for Healing from the Loss of A Loved One
15 May 2021

Grief is more than sadness. It is more than unhappiness. Grief is a loss. Something of value is gone. Grief is an intense loss that breaks our heart. Loss can be the death of a loved one, a pet, a way of life, a job, a marriage, one’s own imminent death. Grief is real.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross described five states of grief. These states are not sequential, they may coexist with other states, be completely skipped, occur intermittently, or repeat themselves. She believed that grief was a continuously evolving process that offers potential for growth.

The five states are:
* Denial
* Anger
* Bargaining
* Depression
* Acceptance.

Over time, unhealed grief becomes anger, resentment, blame, righteousness, and/or remorse. We become someone that we are not. It takes courage to move through the grief and all the emotions buried deep within. The depth of our pain lets us know that someone or something was very important to us. The depth of our pain also lets us know that there is a depth to us.

EFT Tapping can help to heal our grief- the loss of a loved one.

1. I miss “us.”
2. My heart hurts.
3. My life lacks joy.
4. I can’t stop crying.
5. My heart is empty.
6. I’m lost in the void.
7. It is weak to grieve.
8. I suppress my grief.
9. I hold onto my grief.
10. I’ve lost a part of me.
11. I feel guilty if I laugh.
12. I am not able to sleep.
13. I am unable to sit still.
14. I’m not willing to feel.
15. I don’t laugh anymore.
16. It is not okay to be sad.
17. I have trouble grieving.
18. I’ve lost interest in life.
19. The tears seem endless.
20. My pain will never end.

© Tessa Cason, 2021.

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What is EFT Tapping: Click Here

How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here

How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here

Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here