Exercise to Change an Image

If we create a reality that is greater than the image we have of ourselves, one of two things will happen. Either we have to stretch into the new reality. Or the reality will snap back to our comfort zone.
- Write about the situation, the reality, the self-image as it is now and has been. Write as much as you want.
- Synthesize the dissertation into one paragraph. Usually, a paragraph is considered to be 5 – 10 sentences.
- Then synthesize to one sentence. Allow the one sentence to be natural and to flow with the writing and thoughts.
- Then one word. Let the one word emerge on its own.
- Take a break, anywhere from 20 minutes to 24 hours. No more than 24 hours.
- Now it’s time to tap. EFT Tapping. A. Look back at the dissertation you wrote. These statements can be made into EFT Tapping statements and tapped. (See the example below.) B. Read through the statements. Decide if you want to do the “Shotgun Tapping” on some statements or the “Laser Tapping.” When clearing a story, we can do the “Shotgun Tapping” in which we say a different statement at each of the 8 tapping points. If you have a “charge” when reading a statement, then consider making this the only statement you say as you tap on all 8 points.
- Once you no longer have a “charge” or “emotional reaction” around the dissertation and feel done with this image and the past, it is time to reverse the process. Pull out the paper and pen again (or open your computer). Now, describe the ideal you and your ideal life. Start with one word.
- Encapsulate the new image into one sentence.
- Then write out one paragraph of who you want to become.
- Now, write a dissertation who you want to become, the qualities, talents, skills of this new version of you.
- If you feel any part of the new image might be an issue, these statements can be made into EFT Tapping Statements as well. A tapping statement is most effective when it agrees with what the body and/or subconscious beliefs to be true. These statements might be more effective if the word “no” or “not” are inserted into the statement.
Jovanna’s Story
As the alarm sounded, Jovanna was already awake, staring up at the ceiling. She reached over and turned the alarm off. Another birthday, thought Jovanna. She had taken the day off from work. She couldn’t endure the thought of going into work on her birthday.
As Jovanna laid in bed, she thought of her life. Her pitiful life. Another year older and nothing different. Tears started to fill up her eyes and roll down her temples.
Friends had wanted to take her to lunch for her birthday. She told everyone she had special plans. She didn’t. Have special plans, that is. She just didn’t feel very celebratory. She felt sad. With nothing to do and no place to go, Jovanna just laid in bed.
“Get it together, Jovanna,” she said to herself. “Get up. Go walk the community labyrinth. Figure out your life.” Jovanna did as she told herself to do. She got up. Had breakfast and headed to the community labyrinth.
Walking the labyrinth grounded Jovanna. She began to feel some peace within. By the time she reached the center, she knew she had to do something that would change her life. As she retraced her steps out of the labyrinth, she had the insight of where to begin.
A friend had given her some instructions on how to change our self image. She said it helped her tremendously. She said she had created a wonderful reality but because she couldn’t stretch into the new reality it snapped back to her crummy life. Having lost such a wonderful reality, she went on a search to figure out how not to lose a wonderful reality again. She’s actually the one that taught Jovanna how to tap, how to do EFT.
She said if we create a reality beyond our image one of two things will happen. Either we have to stretch into the new image or our reality will snap back to our image, our comfort zone. Her wonderful reality snapped back to her comfort zone. In her search, she found an exercise on how to change her image. After changing her self-image, she was able to move into a more prosperous and fulfilling reality.
Jovanna headed home to see if she could find the exercise. Much to Jovanna’s surprise, the handout was on top of a stack of papers on her desk. She wondered if her angels had placed it there for her to easily find!
Jovanna read the instructions. Opened a spiral notebook and began to write.
This is what she wrote:
My name is Jovanna. I am 35 years old. Divorced. No children. No boyfriend. Overweight and out of shape.
I am very sad. I’m not really sure why I’m sad. I’m just sad. I guess I feel as if life is passing me by. My life is boring. Work. Get together with my friends. Home. And that’s it. There is no excitement in my life.
I think there is a curse of the women in my family not allowing us to be happy. My mom wasn’t happy. Her mom, my grandmother, wasn’t happy.
My mom had two older brothers. She was the only girl. Each of these siblings (my two uncles and my mom) each had one daughter. One of which is me. It seems all my male cousins are happy, but the three female cousins and myself, none of are happy.
Each of us is very different from the other, yet our lives seem very similar in that none of us are happy. Gabriella, the oldest of the three of us, has been married twice. Both of them were total losers. Wanda never married.
I did married. He was a wonderful man, but when you marry at 20 you don’t really know how to make a marriage work. After five years, we divorced.
I don’t know how to make a relationship work. I don’t know how to make my life work. I don’t know how to be happy. I don’t know how to lose this weight.
Sometimes I think the weight is a form of protection. I can blame the weight for not having a healthy significant-other relationship instead of looking at my poor relationship skills.
I know I indulge in the bread when I’m not feeling fulfilled in my life. Bread gives me a full feeling when I am feeling empty. I know this intellectually, but can’t stop eating the bread.
I don’t understand why I’m sad when I have so many great friends. But that’s all I have.
I feel like I have run out of steam. No more energy to do my life. To do life, period. I’m not motivated to do anything anymore.
I think I use to have dreams. But I can’t remember. I probably did. Didn’t I? Why have dreams anyway? Nothing ever happens. They never come true. So, I gave up on having dreams or goals or desires. I didn’t want to endure anymore heartache and disappointment when my dreams didn’t come true.
How can someone with so many friends still feel so alone?
Even though I have three older brothers, none of us live close to any of the other siblings. All three are married with children. I’m the only one not happily married or even married! Christmas is such great joy. All my brothers with their wives and children fill the house with joy and excitement. And, then there’s me. Stag. Alone. Single. Unmarried. No children. Oh, splendid. Nothing like feeling left out.
I am not fulfilled. My life lacks joy. I feel alone and lonely. I feel life is passing me by. I feel like a spectator instead of a participate in life. Nothing excites and I lack the motivation to do anything about my pitiful life. Now, that’s pitiful!
Jovanna continued with the instructions. She pulled out her handout on how to tap and how to write your own EFT Tapping statements.
These are the tapping statements Jovanna wrote from her dissertation:
- I am overweight and out of shape.
- I am very sad.
- I’m not sure why I’m sad.
- I feel as if life is passing me by.
- My life is boring.
- There isn’t excitement in my life.
- I think there is a curse of the women in my family not allowing us to be happy.
- My marriage to a wonderful man did not last.
- I don’t know how to make a relationship work.
- I don’t know how to make my life work.
- I don’t know how to be happy.
- I don’t know how to lose this weight.
- I think my weight is a form of protection.
- I blame my lack of a healthy significant-other relationship on my weight.
- My relationship skills are poor.
- I indulge in the bread when I’m not feeling fulfilled in my life.
- Bread gives me a full feeling.
- I can’t stop eating bread.
- I feel like I have run out of steam.
- I don’t have any energy to do my life or life.
- I’m not motivated to do anything anymore.
- I don’t have any dreams.
- There is no point to having dreams.
- My dreams never come true.
- I gave up on having dreams or goals or desires.
- I didn’t want to endure the heartache and disappointment when my dreams didn’t come true.
- I feel alone even though I have lots of friends.
- I feel left out at family gatherings.
- I am not fulfilled.
- My life lacks joy.
- I feel alone and lonely.
- I feel like a spectator instead of a participate in life.
- Nothing excitements me.
- I lack the motivation to do anything about my pitiful life.
Later that day, Jovanna sat down again with pen and paper in hand and began to write:
My life is full of joy and happiness and bliss!
As I became happier and didn’t need to be protected, the weight melted away. As my excitement for life increased, men became attracted to me regardless of my weight. When I look in the mirror, I love the woman looking back at me.
Everyday is an adventure of joy for me. I am happier than I have ever been in my life. I enjoy the wonderful friends that I have. The adventures we have are imaginative, exciting, and just a blast! To hear them laugh, to hear myself laugh, it’s pure bliss!
The weight is not an issue any longer. I eat the nourishment my body needs and then stop naturally before I feel stuffed! Family get-togethers now are not something I avoid but even initiate and plan.
And, did I tell you, I’m dating such a wonderful person that I have to keep asking myself if I am dreaming. A smile, from ear to ear, spreads across my face when I realize it is real and not make believe or imagery.
Tapping statements:
- My life is not full of bliss.
- The weight will not melt away.
- I don’t love the woman looking back at me in the mirror.
- Everyday is not at adventure.
- I am not happier than I have ever been in my life.
- The weight is still an issue.
- My body doesn’t stop eating before I am stuffed.
- I am not dating a wonderful person.
© Tessa Cason, 2022.
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How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here
How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here
Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here