
EFT Tapping for Obnoxious, Difficult, Toxic People

Mr. Know It All

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300 EFT Tapping Statements for Dealing with Obnoxious People
15 June 2022
12:01 AM – 11:59 PM PT (give or take 30 minutes)

Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

Malachy McCourt

I believe that Earth is a classroom and that we are here to learn how to be healthy, wealthy, happy, and wise. I don’t believe that life happens to us but rather for us. In every situation, if we choose, we can learn lessons that will help us heal so we can move closer to being healthy, wealthy, happy, and wise.

The game of life doesn’t build character, it reveals it. When our lives are challenging, we find out who we are and what we are made of. Without challenges, we easily sail through life. Yet, it is in our challenges that we discover how seaworthy our sails are. Ships are safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.

Our reactions and responses are based on our beliefs. All of our thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions, choices, and decisions are based on our beliefs. Life is about healing the dysfunctional beliefs that keep us from wealth, health, and well-being.

Unfortunately, we all have beliefs such as “no pain, no gain” and “I can only learn through pain and suffering.” If we can only learn through pain and suffering, then situations in our lives that create pain and suffering are opportunities to identify what we need to learn to heal the dysfunctional beliefs and painful emotions so we can be more successful and happier in the future. Long sentence, huge concept.

Let’s break it down:

  • If we can only learn through pain and suffering
  • then situations in our lives that create pain and suffering
  • are opportunities to identify
  • what we need to learn
  • to heal the dysfunctional beliefs and painful emotions
  • so we can be more successful and happier in the future.

How do you transform your dysfunctional beliefs and painful emotions in regards to an obnoxious person? It begins with recognizing, acknowledging, and taking ownership of the dysfunctional beliefs and painful emotions. Then tap.

EFT Tapping Statements for Obnoxious, Difficult, Toxic People:
(When the statement says “This person,” “This difficult person,” “This toxic person,” if you want to substitute the individual’s name or their role in your life, please do so. If there are more than one, you can insert all the names as you make the statement. If you are the toxic person, you can make the statement personal by saying, “I.”)

  • This person betrayed me.
  • This person stirs up trouble.
  • This narcissist is a ego freak.
  • This person plays the martyr.
  • This narcissist is flamboyant.
  • I am so tired of being talked to.
  • I play nice with difficult people.
  • This person lacks respect for me.
  • This difficult person is paranoid.
  • This jokester can never be serious.
  • This difficult person bears grudges.
  • I hate their “only kidding” remarks.
  • This difficult person is so irritating!
  • This difficult person does not listen.
  • I say “yes” when I want to say “no.”
  • I am the brunt of this person’s jokes.
  • This narcissist lacks self-confidence.
  • This meddler has no life of their own.
  • This difficult person lies to get ahead.
  • This bully is nasty, cruel, and sadistic.
  • I avoid/hide out from difficult people.
  • This difficult person does stupid stuff.
  • I grin and bear it with difficult people.
  • This toxic person wallows in self-pity.
  • This difficult person is a control freak.
  • This difficult person talks excessively.
  • This difficult person is self-destructive.
  • This difficult person uses unfair tactics.

@ Tessa Cason, 2022.

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What is EFT Tapping: Click Here

How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here

How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here

Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here