EFT Tapping for Creating Joy

Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important. Capture the good times. And if things don’t work out, just take another shot.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
Our lives are crazy busy sometimes. Lots of demands on our time and energy. Wouldn’t it be more fun to enjoy our lives as we move through our lives?
Our joy is our responsibility. Just recently in a class I asked the students to list their joys. Some had difficulty doing so! They didn’t know what brought them joy.
Each and every day, discover your joy…then create that which brings you joy!
Tapping Statements for Creating Joy:
* Others rob me of my joy.
* Joy is not a priority in my life.
* I’m too depressed to be joyful.
* Being joyful makes me a target.
* I don’t know what brings me joy.
* Others are suppose to create my joy for me.
* There isn’t enough time in the day to pursue joy.
© Tessa Cason, 2020.
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What is EFT Tapping: Click Here
How Does EFT Tapping Work: Click Here
How to Tap the Short Form of EFT Tapping: Click Here
Using a “No” or “Not” in an EFT Tapping Statement: Click Here