Archive for Questions

Are Your Goals Attainable?

Are your goals attainable? If not, then do you even try? Is this your excuse for not trying? Do you feel empowered to create your goals? Are you willing to work toward your goals? Or are you too insecure to…


Are You Lovable as You Are?

Are you lovable as you are? Or do you have to prove you are lovable by doing something noteworthy? © Tessa Cason, 2020. Sign up for the newsletter to receive freebies and to be notified of FREE Kindle Downloads: Sign up here What…


Would You Rather be Invisible…

Would you rather be invisible than to weigh your ideal weight? What is our fear about being visible? Attention? Career advancement? New friendships and/or relationships? With any of these, your life would change. Would you rather your life stay the…


Is Your Only Identity that of a Fat Person?

Is your only identity that of a fat person, struggling to lose weight? Who would you be if you lost the weight? Is it easier  to be a “weight loss failure” than a “weight loss success?” How well do you…


Are You Disgusted with Your Body?

Are you disgusted with your body? The body we have is the vessel we have been given to move through life. Your car is the vehicle you move around on the roadways. What condition is your car? Do you trash…


Do You Sabotage Your Weight Loss Program?

Do you sabotage your weight loss program? Would you be able to maintain your ideal weight once you lost the excess weight? Do you sabotage other areas of your life? Sign up for the newsletter to receive freebies and to…


Are You Angry that You Are Ignored Because of Your Weight?

Are you angry that you are ignored because of your weight? Who are you angry at and for what? Are you angry at someone else’s judgement of you? Are you angry at yourself that you have given them a reason…


Do You Lack the Persistence to Successfully Lose Weight?

Do you lack the persistence to successfully lose weight? Do you lack persistence in other areas of your life or just in trying to lose weight? If in all areas of your life, do you  have anything to work toward?…


Do You Use Food to Feel Loved?

Do you use food to feel loved? Does food = love? Is it easier to relate to food? Do you know how to relate to people? Is there a fear of possibly being rejected if you tried to connect with…


Do You Stuff Your Feelings Instead of Healing Them?

Do you stuff your feelings instead of healing them? Do you stuff yourself until you are beyond full? What would happen if you felt your feelings? Would you be overwhelmed if you felt your feelings? Sign up for the newsletter…

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