About Tessa
I have been fortunate to have had a number of successful professional lives. In each of these endeavors, it provided the opportunity to observe someone’s behavior, actions, reactions, habits, thoughts, feelings, choices, and decisions. Understanding who we are, how we became who we are, and how to change into who we want to become has been a fascinating area of study and research for me for 50+ years.
As a swim coach and instructor of 10 and under kids, I had the opportunity to teach and train small children. As an instructor of Physical Education at San Diego State University and Grossmont College, I had the opportunity to interact with and teach college-age individuals. As an owner of a gift company, I had the opportunity to work with business professionals.
Belonging to a breakfast group called The Inside Edge and staffing events for The Learning Annex, I was able to interact with and observe the elite authors, speakers, and politicians. Managing a medical clinic provided the opportunity to interact with and observe the seriously ill, some terminal.
In 1977, as a hobby, I started a company that manufactured greeting cards and stationery. Eight years later, my company was grossing a million dollars in sale/year on 50 cent greeting cards.
When my business was grossing a million dollars in sale, I purchased a newly constructed townhouse in La Jolla. Unbeknownst to me, a natural gas pipe was severed during construction and not properly repaired. The gas leak went undetected for 2 1/2 years, 850 days. As a result of the gas leak, my health was permanently damaged.
After the gas leak was discovered, all the doctors told me I would be environmentally ill for the rest of my life and would never be able to participate or function in the real world. Not accepting the doctors’ diagnosis, I set upon a course to discover alternative health treatments to heal my environmental sensitivities.
Several years later, while still working on my health, I was managing an alternative health clinic. While working at the clinic, I was able to make the correlation between a patient’s emotions and beliefs with their physical illnesses.
In 1996, after thirty years of book reading, psychology classes, metaphysical classes, lectures, and observation, I applied my knowledge and skills into a life coaching practice. I thoroughly enjoyed being a Transformational Life Coach, helping others find clarity in their lives.
Only one problem. It was this: The clients were not completing their assigned tasks that together we had decided they would do as their homework. Even though the clients knew what to do and wanted to do the tasks, somehow the tasks were not getting completed.
I went searching for a tool that would change dysfunctional beliefs. I visited a friend that managed a bookstore and told her my dilemma and that I was in need of a tool, process, or technique that would change dysfunctional beliefs. She reached for a book that was on the counter, informing me that this new addition for them was flying off the shelves and their customers were raving about. It was a book on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping.
I read the book and ordered the videos. Even though I was intrigued, I had no clue how tapping my head could change dysfunctional beliefs or our lives. I had some adventuresome clients (and forgiving if need be) that I taught how to tap.
When every single client returned for their next appointment and shared how different their lives had been that week because of tapping, I took notice! My curiosity was peaked. I then put a lot of time and energy into figuring out how this powerful transformational tool, EFT Tapping, worked and how to best utilize EFT Tapping.
I soon realized working with my clients that the most important aspect of EFT Tapping was the statement that is said as we tap. I also realized that some of the statements I wrote up for one client could be used for another. My clients wanted homework, wanted tapping statements to do on their own. I started a library of EFT Tapping statements that I wrote out for my client as their homework.
In 2005 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. While researching thyroid cancer, I discovered that 20 years after exposure to natural gas, thyroid issues would result. It was 20 years nearly to the month that I started having thyroid issues.
From the time I was diagnosed and had surgery, those 6 weeks I only focused on the emotional issues associated with the thyroid and tapped. I did not pursue any other treatments, supplements, or therapies in the 6 weeks leading up to the surgery other than EFT Tapping.
In the recovery room after surgery, the surprised doctor told me that even though two different labs came back with the diagnoses of cancer, it was not cancer. I knew the tapping had changed the energy of the cancer and it no longer was cancer.
Our lives don’t change until we change our programming…the beliefs on a subconscious level. EFT Tapping is one of the most powerful techniques I found that could do just that: change our beliefs on a subconscious level.
After surgery, knowing the power of EFT Tapping, knowing the significance of the tapping statement, I created workbooks that were filled with mis-belief, dysfunctional EFT tapping statements.
In 2016, I started working with elite athletes. One athlete that I worked with, Brittney Reese, a long jumper had already won 5 World Championships and an Olympic gold. After hip surgery, a back injury, and not standing on the podium for two years, Brittney wanted to retire.
Instead, we began working together on the mental/emotional piece of her competing. The results were spectacular. In 2016, Brittney won the US Championship, the World Championship, and a Silver Medal at the Rio Olympics. At the US Olympic Trials, Brittney jumped a new personal best and farther than any woman had jumped in 18 years. (MentalCoachforAthletes.com)
My greatest joy is helping others find their ah-ha wisdom so they can create an extraordinary life for themselves!